Reuben Hills – Kenya Filter

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  • Roast: Filter

  • Process: Washed

  • Origin: Nyeri County

  • Varietal: Ruiru 11. SL28. SL34. Batian

  • Taste: Blackberries, Lime & Mango


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About the Beans:

The society was registered under the cooperative society act of 2000. It was formerly part of the Giant Tetu coffee farmers society, a factory society with 1,542 active members.

Gathaithi Farmer’s Cooperative Society is located at Tetu district, Gaki location, Gathaithi sub-location, Nyeri County. At I60 km north of Nairobi, you will find the factory sandwiched between the elegant Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare ranges, putting it at a vantage point of better production.

Gathaithi Coffee Factory is dressed with red-volcanic soil that infuses it with all the mineral and organic goodness necessary for optimum production. It experiences an annual rainfall of 11,00mm at 1,650m above sea level. In addition it enjoys cool temperatures of 16-26°C.

Gathaithi farms have two cropping seasons: Late crop starting at the end of September to mid-January contributing 70%, and early crop starting from April to July and contributing 30% of the total annual production.

About Reuben Hills: 

Reuben Hills is a boutique micro roastery based in Surry Hills which has been in operation since January 2012. We roast coffee which is showcased in the café downstairs as well as in other high quality cafes through our wholesale channel.

We travel around the world to producing countries (origin), meeting the farmers, cupping their coffees and selecting beans we’d like to purchase and import so we can provide our customers with coffee that was sourced directly from farmers, celebrating their work and introducing their coffees to the western world.

We only buy select small lots which is the best way for us to reward our producers for doing such a great job and taking care of us with such a great product and allows us to maintain ongoing relationships with our farmers.

On a day to day basis, we are a café which focuses on unique, delicious food and exceptional customer service. Our food is best described as inspired by our coffee origin trips, with a real emphasis on the quality of the coffee and paying tribute to all the hard work it takes to get the coffee in the cup. We strive for this quality to filter down through all aspects of the business.


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