
Are you on the lookout for an eat & drink adventure? HUNTERHunter paid us a visit and this is what they have to say… This hole-in-the-wall warehouse-style coffee stop is the go-to for those serious about their morning caffeine hit. Situated right next door to the equally popular Welder’s Dog tap house, Camp Grounds hasContinue reading “HUNTERhunter”

Get to know your ‘Happy Camper Crew’ at Tamworth Camp Grounds

By using our knowledge and passion of all things coffee, we are here to bring you the best experience we can. You’ve seen each Happy Camper at one point or another if you’ve visited our lovely cafe. If you’re a regular, we probably know a few things about your life too. (don’t worry, your secrets are safe withContinue reading “Get to know your ‘Happy Camper Crew’ at Tamworth Camp Grounds”

How to brew coffee in an AeroPress

Put down the instant coffee and start brewing the perfect cup of joe. With the AeroPress, you’ll achieve a delicious, smooth flavour, in only a few simple steps. Because the AeroPress is every baristas go to home brewing device, we thought we’d give you the rundown on how to brew, and the different brewing methods that youContinue reading “How to brew coffee in an AeroPress”

‘Coffee that doesn’t fuck anyone over’ – KMac, Floozy Coffee Roasters

The secret sauce for sustainability in the coffee industry  ‘For Floozy, specialty coffee is coffee that is sourced with traceability and transparency. Coffee that doesn’t fuck anyone over’ – KMac – Floozy Coffee Roaster  To ensure you guys have the best Camp Grounds experience possible, I sat down with KMac to get yours (and my)Continue reading “‘Coffee that doesn’t fuck anyone over’ – KMac, Floozy Coffee Roasters”
